Fried Friday.

I got up when Nick did this morning. At 6 am. I'm sleepy. But I thought if I wanted to get anything done today I'd better start. I'm trying to get the family day invittes together. Whee! Playing with the kitties. Here's some new video.

I'm going to try to get some vid of them eating catnip. Its hilarious. Brammy is a 'violent' catnipper. He smacks you if you try to take it from him but he won't eat it. He just licks it to death. Bella won't touch it, and Pud eats it like candy.
Its very funny.
Uncle Ron (Nick's great-uncle) is here from Bethel through our convention. (Aug 1-3) Its fun having him here.
Well I s'pose I outta go get ready for work.



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