Well..........What a Tuesday we had!

Our pharmacy got robbed yesterday! The poor new Pharmacist was working, me and Will. This guy came in and said he had a gun and wanted OxyContin. So Christa fumbled to get the safe open, he yelled at us and took 5 bottles and ran! Our Pharmacy crawled with people all afternoon. We had 4 policeman (I think it was 4) a detective, 2 or 3 CSI guys, our Loss Prevention guy, the regional manager, district manager, Pharmacy districtmanager, an HR person, a floater Pharmacist, & our store manager all packed in the pharmacy. We re interviewed twice each. And Christa and I both cried our eyes out. Will, although shaken, kept fairly calm. What a day! I really don't think he actuaklly had a gun. We saw no proof of one. But why take chances? Today was VERY uneventful.
So I'll write more later I must go rest my aching head.
So I'll write more later I must go rest my aching head.

BTW: I have a blog here, but I just created it. I prolly won't use it much, cuz I use Livejournal. (same name over there - bluedrgn52) if you create one there, I can friend you. So you don't have to use it, but most of my posts are friends only due to some drama a while back, so you'd have to log in to see it. Anywho, glad you are ok!