Our Third Anniversary!
Very pleasant day in all. Mom and Dad got us a cake from Giant Eagle that was almond flavor with light chocolate icing and pink flowers. It had a #3 candle on it. Very cute.
I got to catch up with an old friend, Hannah Parker, (Crews), and her husband John. (She was a JWHS. See http://www.jwhsoh.blogspot.com/ for e-mail and phone #) We had a great day.
Nick, I love you sweetheart. Happy anniversary!!!
This little gal was flirting with Nick!
Then we have Mr and Mrs Lion!
The stealthy leopard!
And the sad tree frog, or maybe he's comtempletive.
The gorgeous snow leopard!
The beautiful gardens!
And a bumble-bee. Nick's entering this in a photo contest.
And finally our yummy cake!!!