Latest News
So a lot has happened.
Shelly and I had an awesome day in service the other day. We took Kennedy and Carson B. with us and we did a whole 'rural' street in Tallm. the other day. Did about 30 homes, got like 17, 8 were interested. I even invited one lady to the meeting. What an awesome day. That'll teach the ones who don't like that territory. LOL

Shelly and I had an awesome day in service the other day. We took Kennedy and Carson B. with us and we did a whole 'rural' street in Tallm. the other day. Did about 30 homes, got like 17, 8 were interested. I even invited one lady to the meeting. What an awesome day. That'll teach the ones who don't like that territory. LOL
Little Alayna Rose Wheeler was born c-section, Dec 22nd, 2008. New Neice!!! Everyone well last I heard. Welcome, little one.

We got our vacation approved, going Feb 11-25. Arizona here we come!! So ready.
We are really enjoying this new meeting set-up. So nice to have Tuesday to ourselves for our fam study. Got everything together and was so nice!! When Thursday rolled around no stressing! Thank you Jehovah!!!
Tari G. had surgery a few weeks ago, shoulder healing nicely.
Went to Akron Art Museum on Sunday, that was fun.
Work has sucked rocks majorly!!!!
Enjoyed our Circuit assembly. Dec 20-21