News about Larry

Hi, this is just a note to let you know how Larry is doing.
Jan writes,
He said to tell you all hello and he is thinking of you all.

We had our 19th wedding anniversary on April 21st. One of my pioneer pals suggested that we have a party for him. So we planned a party sent out invites and got the room ready for a party. I was surprised that we had so many that came. We had about 50 or so people show up to help us celebrate the day. It was busy and Larry had a ball. We had a wonderful surprise that Katie and Heather were going to be able to make it for the weekend so that made the party that much more special. We received a bunch of cards in the mail and several from the party. It was Larry's job to open all of them. It took him a long time to get them all opened and read. He enjoyed that job a lot.
The girls were a tremendous help while they were here they moved some things that Larry wanted moved and did some odds and ends that needed to be done. They went shopping for Larry and bought him all kinds of goodies. He is still beaming.

We changed hospices that we originally had when he got out of the hospital. Unfortunately the original hospice weren't doing the job. We have Vitas now and they are working out beautifully.

Larry over did on Sunday and was in a great deal of pain on Monday. So Vitas sent out a care team that is sitting with him until he can get his pain under control or managable. He will get his pain meds as needed and also medication for break through pain (pain that is unmangable between regular medication doses). He has round the clock sitters and nurses at night to make sure that he can get pain medication when he needs it. This will be until they can get his pain managed. It is a temporary arrangement until he gets things under control.

He is loving the attention and having someone there all the time to visit with. He is getting some witnessing in and he is proud of that. He is talking their ear off about ham radio and different things. It has been a different person each day so it is new territory for him. I can tell by his voice that he is enjoying himself. I call several times a day until I can get out there.

That is about all that is happening right now. Larry is being well cared for and he is upbeat about his condition. He is making the most of every day and thanks Jehovah for what he has.

I appreciate all the care and concern that you all show and the support.

I'll keep you advised as the days go along.

Take care,


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