Pics of Ciera and other stuff!

Well piffle I just can't seem to get my act together. Today I TRIED to be productive! I did some laundry and dishes but I'm even close to being done! I also painted my finger nails Sunshine Yellow! LOL But I already chipped it. That's what I get for doing my nails and THEN doing dishes. Silly silly me.
I really wanna get back in a groove with everything but I just can't seem to get it.
Brammy wants his supper, he just came running in here and..."Mrow!!!" he says. "SUPPER??" I ask. "MMAAROOOWWWW!" I'll take that as a yes. I gotta run down and put some stuff in the dryer so then they will all get their supper. Then its time for a shower and some study time with my fave mag the WT. :) Tomorrow is more laundry and dishes. and dusting!!!!
All my babies are SO cute. All 3 were keeping me company all day. Bella helped me straighten my closet, Puddy helped me sort and fold clothes. Bram kept me company while I made dinner and all climbed up for a snooze after dinner. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. Maybe that's why they've been so clingy.