
Boy February flew by. Its almost time to head home. I cought the cold everyone else had Phooey!!! But not feeling too horrid, just really stuffy and sleepy. Though I HAVE been up since six!!! I woke up stuffed up, with a scratchy throat and I had to pee. Then I never went BACK to sleep. Oh well.
Had some troubling news from Mama about her health. But will wait to post anything else till I have more info.
Having an at home day today. Mike and Holly are at a sale all day with Paul so its just Nick and me here which is nice and even Nick is in the garage working on my Jeep so I have some me time. I am hanging out in the backyard enjoying the sun and breeze and the windchimes.
I gotta go check on my laundry I have in I think I may hang my comforter out here so it smells fresh tonight!
Someone is cutting wood somewhere nearby I hear the power saw and smell the saw dust smell thru my stuffies...mmmmm!
Above is a pic Nick took while we were out Jeepin' I had fun with editing!