March 2011 Newsletter


So much happening, so little time. We went on vacation to Lake Havasu City, Arizona, January 31st thru February 21st. Nick got to go to an abandoned mine with Dad, Paul and Mike Missell. We went out to eat several times and we got to pick lemons and oranges right from the trees. Holly and I did a retail therapy day and I got some new shirts! We helped out at the Potpourri sale the first week there and a sister's estate sale the second week. Met, made and re-established friendships. The friends there are excited we are planning to move there! We fell in love with a house there and have put a bid on it since we got home!! Mama is in the process of selling her house. And Nick and I are putting our house up for sale. We have a few things to work on. So I have started the fun packing process! At least for sure getting the stuff to sell out, and stuff to pitch out, and the stuff to give away out. Whew! So much junk!!!

I am going to miss a lot of people very deeply. But I look forward to a simpler life with my 2 favorite people and ready to try to do better spiritually. And I am ready for some warmth!!!!

Work has been fairly smooth since coming home. So that's a plus.

I missed my kitties SO bad while we were gone. They spent the 3 weeks with Jen and Justin in their little attic apartment. So the kitties had their own place for a bit! Well Bella and Puddy did. Brammy stayed at Mama's. Missy in Holly and Mike's basement in Shelly's care. I guess Missy'll go with M and H to AZ next year. So the kitties are all settled back in but I think Bram knows something is up. He "MRow's" all the time!!! At least right now he is quiet. Bella is settled on my feet. Puddy is sitting on the floor having a bath.

In other news Del Zacharias passed away in January. Very sad.

Good Grammer
So it really gets on my nerves when I notice the misuse of the English language in written form. So this column is to give some pointers on correct use and spelling of certain words.

This time we are going to look at some words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean different things.
Their, there and they're. Their, is a possessive word. As in, "Don't take Mom and Dad's TV, it's theirs." There, tells you where something is. "Bella's hat is over there." They're tells you what someone is doing. It is a contraction of the 2 words they and are. "They're going to the store later."
Its and it's, is another one. I have a hard time with this one so I looked it up to be sure. Its is possessive. "The momma cat cleans its kittens." It's is the contraction of 'it is'. "It's gonna be a lot of fun at the fair."
Idea and Ideal. Ok this one drives me NUTS!!! Idea is a thought of something creative. "Hey! I have an idea! Lets all go to the movies on Friday!" Ideal means - Perfect for what you need. Ideal is almost like saying "perfect" or "thats exactly what I need." That is the ideal shirt for the trip next month."

OK folks lets start using English right!!!

Well everyone it's late and I am tired. Sleep well and let me know what's going on with you!
Lots of Love!


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