Rambling Ruthie
Feeling very out of sorts...dunno if it has anything to do with the fact that half of my belongings are in boxes and the other half still need help climbing into boxes. My kitchen is a disaster, I have a ton of laundry that needs done and packed, I have no idea where some things are. And I am parting with stuff I have sentimental attachment to...not to mention leaving behind all the people I've known in my short 29 years. There's so much stuff I dunno what to even DO with...that is if I even know what in the world it IS! (Mostly Nick's stuff.) The bathroom upstairs still needs done. AND last but certainly not least I still dunno if we have jobs. Sigh. Bella just came in and said, "Mumph" and is doing her FEED ME dance. Silly thing is if I go downstairs and feed them she'll eat 2 bites and then wander off. Fat lil piglet. I love that kitty, she is so soft. She feels like rabbit fur. And she allows me to rub her polka-dotty rubber toes and stretch them all out long. I can mess with her ears and rub her belly and pound on the back and she just adores all of it. She usually has a running commentary of "Mumphs" and "Ack-ack-acks" and Eh-eh-eh-eh-ehs" though all of a sudden she has added the occasional tiny "Mew". Where did THAT come from? This little kitty doesn't speak Cattish!!!
Brammy has now graced me with HIS presence. He is teetering on the arm of the computer chair and christening me with hair all over my back and shoulders. I seriously think that they do not understand why I am not covered with fur and so shed extra so that I can wear it too!
I have NO idea where Puddy is. Though he may have decided to go curl up with Daddy. He LOVES Nick. When Nick is home Puddy is usually GLUED to him! He always looks at him SO adoringly.
I really am inerested to see how the dynamic changes when all 6 cats live together! Whee! This should be interesting!
Brammy has now graced me with HIS presence. He is teetering on the arm of the computer chair and christening me with hair all over my back and shoulders. I seriously think that they do not understand why I am not covered with fur and so shed extra so that I can wear it too!
I have NO idea where Puddy is. Though he may have decided to go curl up with Daddy. He LOVES Nick. When Nick is home Puddy is usually GLUED to him! He always looks at him SO adoringly.
I really am inerested to see how the dynamic changes when all 6 cats live together! Whee! This should be interesting!