Um yeah catch up.

I have SO not been in a writing mood lately.  I wonder if my meds need adjusted...   Anyhu.  Life is pretty ok.  Been crazy. 
The Kingdom Hall is finished and is GORGEOUS.  We had our Memorial, Special Talk and Circuit Assembly all at the aquatic center. 
Jennifer and Justin V. and Jen's Mom Linda N. came out to visit end of Apr-beginning of May.  We did the Las Vegas death march.  And went to Oatman twice.  It was a lot of fun. 
I auxiliary pioneered in March.
The last couple weeks have been tiring for some reason and not exactly sure why.  Maybe just because work was so busy.
I've had an itch since January.  My skin randomly breaks out in itchy histamine spots.  We have ruled out detergent, softener, soaps etc.  Not the hot tub though that can aggravate it.  Been to 3 doctors, the latest a dermatologist, he had me take an ANA test for lupus but it came back negative.  My next thing will be an allergist.  But I am tired of doctors and need to recoup my moolah.  Yeah.  Sigh...*scratch scratch.
We also lost Chelsie our "elderly lady" kitty in February.  We miss her.

Sorry not very newsy, but I'm tired and like I said not in a writing mood.  Hope everyone is well.



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