
September always seems to be a thinking month for me.  A lot of big things happen in September. 
1. Its the beginning of a new service year. 
2. In 1996 I got baptised on Sept. 7th and Auxiliary Pioneered for the first time.
3. In 2004 I was officially dating my sweet Nick and
4. In 2005 on the 17th I married him.
5. Ironically Mama was born in September as well. 
6. Its the beginning of fall, in Ohio we would be having cooler temps and leaves start changing.  It was always one of my 2 favorite times of year.  I loved the smell of the leaves as they change and fall, (despite how that makes me sneeze).  I used to love heading for Amish country or places like that and all the gift shops smelled of apples and spice and pumpkin, old wood burning fire places...YUMMY smells.
Here it a different experience.  Its still over 90 degrees everyday.  I don't mind the heat of summer, especially on my days off work, but I am looking forward to the cooler weather.  This year though I find it funny that I'm actually saying I can't wait for winter!  Because no matter how much I loved September in Ohio, it made me sad because that meant winter was to follow and I was so miserable in winter. 
When I was a kid I loved winter, the snow, the ice to slide around on.  Doing things outside with Papa.  We would go gather wood for the woodstove in the garage, so when we worked out there we could be warm.  I remember the 'ham and cheese' smell he would always have on his work clothes after being in the garage.  He would take me sledding.  The lambs usually were born when it was cold, so we would spend hours in the barn caring for the sheep.  Nugget and then later Shan and the pups were always with us.
But as I got older, my body changed and I started having aches and pains.  I got a job and had to drive in the snow and ice.  I fell on average at least twice a winter.  And the December Papa died, goodness has it really been 10 years, I almost froze my fingers because of being in shock and forgetting to wear gloves.  I moved to the city with Nick when we married and it was even harder in winter in some ways because I now lived a good hour away from Ma when snow was involved, even longer depending on how bad it was.  I worried, my body got even more tired and worn.  Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia set in and along with it S.A.D.  I hated winter, in spite of the beauty it has. 
Now here we are in September yet again.  And I am looking forward to the long months of fall, winter and spring.  What a change.  But here summer has a hidden problem for me.  The heat aggravates whatever this skin issue is that I have.  So next Dr visit is next Wed.  Maybe some answers will come.  Heres hoping.
So the thinking I started with, after the meeting tonight I am re-evaluating again.  I am the main bread winner right now, but I am tired and my body hurts.  So prayers will be going out to Jehovah thta maybe some changes will come again so that I can again do more in his service.  Along that same line of thought, I REALLY appreciate the new website.  I can listen to the articles so much easier now.  I did a lot of studying right off the site.  How cool is that?  Jehovah is making it easier.  I am finding myself really hungering for the truth now.  So September is changing me again.
Soon Mike and Holly will be joining us again and Nita and Dan are coming for a visit.  Then Brent in Nov.  So it'll be busy, but I am looking ahead with joy.

Hope all are well, whoever this reaches. 



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