Circuit Assembly Day
So tired. Driving home from Norco, CA. Well, actually I'm along for the ride. Nick's driving. Mike T is with us. I have a massive should neck ache and generally just hurt. But the encouragement and friendship received is priceless.
I loved the part in the WT that brought or how we should daily think of three things we're grateful or thankful for and thank Jehovah for them. I'm going to try to implement that. I have a tendency to complain more than think of what's good. Life has made me somewhat cynical.
****Spoilers for "Don't Give Up Fulfilling the Law of the Christ" assembly.****
Another point I try to remember, even from before, is that we need to be faithful in least so we'll be faithful in much.
If we're missing meetings for school or work or because we're tired etc will we be obedient when things get REALLY hard?? We have to give Jehovah something to bless. We put the important things first and everything else will fall into place.
This world is temporary, school and work are a means to an end not something we strive after or even have to enjoy.
Another thing is that NONE of us deserve salvation. So we cannot be prejudice when talking to people about the truth. I have trouble with this one. I just assume no one wants to hear what I have to say.
Fears to Combat.
1. Fear of Satan
2. Fear of man
3. Fear of ridicule
4. Fear of sacrifices you might later regret
5. Not being good enough, not worthy
6. Fear of persecution
7. Fear of Death
Prayer is the antidote of of fear. Keep adding layers of prayer.
Not wrong to be afraid, just don't allow ourselves to remain fearful.
Last but not least find joy in what you CAN do. Don't compare self with others.