My Long Story. (No real title yet.) Excerpt from the first chapter.

Chapter One - The Disappearance of the Crown Jewels
The girl’s worn shoes were silent as she made her way along the stone wall. Her long, hooded cloak fluttered around her in the cool spring night air. Beneath her cloak she fingered the hilt of the slender but strong dagger and checked to be sure the feed sack was still tucked into her belt. The back gateway of the castle was growing nearer and in the glow of the torch light she could make out the shapes of the two guards. One was tall and skinny, the other short and stout. She stopped in the shadows and thought her plan through one more time. She glanced around nervously. She didn't want to use the dagger unless she absolutely had to.

Wanna read a bit more...


M said…
I know this one

hmmm... lemme guess.

the butler did it.

or was it the rich guys daughter.

but i do know how this one goes.

cant wait to read more.
ARLo said…
One day M the illustrator one day!!
Yes you do know how this one goes.

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