Wonderful Day
Had a very nice evening with Jen and Justin V., Joe and Michelle A., Melissa and Carlo M., Shelly Saylor and Brent Spaulding. We had tacos, watched some tv and bits of movies. Then before anyone left we sang about a dozen Kingdom Songs. I believe every time we do that I cry but it is SO nice to have REAL frineds that are not afraid to show their love for Jehovah by singing outside the Kingdom Hall. Its also nice to know that if we are ever seperated from our congregation and have any access to our bros and sis we can at least pick up whatever we can get our hands on for spiritual food and maybe at least remember a few songs amongst us to keep our spirituality bolstered. Its also nice to feel comfortable, truly comfortable with some people. I thank Jehovah everyday for our true friends. I appreciate the positivity that we have been surrounded by.
So on this all important day of the Memorial of Jesus Christ's Death remember the sacrifice Jehovah and Jesus gave for us and thank Jehovah for the gift of the spiritual Paradise we have. How grateful I am for this gift.
I hope everyone has a great Memorial and that maybe some will be able to begin to teach others about the ransom and the love it shows for mankind.
Agape to all! And thanks Jen and Justin for your hospitality as usual! Love YOU!!